Lavished With Good Things

These were my words this morning when I awoke. I love the word “lavish”. Lavish: sumptuously rich or luxurious! Doesn’t that sound enticing?

In my life right now I have room in a few areas to be lavished with good things. My finances could use a little more “lavish”. Sumptuously rich in finances would remove the burden of struggling to meet budget in my business. Wow – what would I do if I was sumptuously rich? There’s a few items that have been put on the “some day” shelf that would become part of my life very quickly! But mostly I want my needs met and then it’s very important to me to meet the needs of others. That’s where true joy and contentment happens!!

My health – I long to be lavished with good health. Good health to me means energy, a vibrant life, healthy organs and systems in my body, a long, healthy life worth living! I need to lose weight for these things to be fully completed in my body so to be lavished with good health would be permanently lean, strong and healthy.

So today I will focus on the words: “Lavished with good things” and I will picture myself meeting the needs of others. I will think of lavish, good health and picture myself lean and strong, healthy in every area of my body.

What would “Lavished with good things” look like to you? Please leave a comment and let’s paint lavish pictures together.

Welcome To My Blog

Welcome to my new blog.  My name is Pat Anderson.  I want this to be a place where I desire to share with you the lessons life is teaching me about why people (myself included) learn and respond and react to situations and circumstances the way we do.  Most of all I would love to talk about how to get (and stay) motivated according to your own tendencies.

Not only do I desire for this site to affirm and encourage you to discover all you were created to be but also, I can’t wait to get to know you and connect with you so feel free to leave comments so we can have conversations and share new insights!

Looking forward to visiting with you in the comment section.